Invitation to substainable fashion

As the days go by, the demands of the growing consumer market also grow. The infrastructure of today's societies requires more clothing items due to ever-changing fashion trends, population growth, and the need to replace rapidly deteriorating clothing. Clothes seem cheaper, better to keep up with changing fashion trends, but in the long run, fast fashion products cause more damage than you think.

What is sustainability What is sustainable fashion?

Sustainability is defined by the Oxford Languages Dictionary as "the ability to be maintained at a certain level" and "avoiding depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance". In this context, sustainable fashion means clothing that lasts for a long time without harming nature and clothing that is manufactured under decent working conditions during the production process.

How is clothing made sustainably?

The quality of the fabric or the production is insufficient to define a garment as "sustainable". We have to remember that a garment is only sustainable if the materials used are manufactured using environmentally friendly processes, for example; Wool must come from farms that treat animals appropriately and the people who make the clothing must be provided with a safe working environment and paid fairly. So we can say that sustainable fashion means clothing that is made from high quality materials responsibly, environmentally friendly and without harm to the manufacturing process by putting ecological integrity and social justice before profit.

Sustainable fashion for women

BAMIN BASICS Flower Child Cardigan
LIDA STUDIO "Hina" Shirt
LIDA STUDIO "Marta" Salmon Dress
LIDA STUDIO "Nori" Pants
LALO CARDIGANS 5 o'clock Tea Cardigan
ETUA Abstra Linen Pants
ETUA Abstra Linen Shirt
ETUA Abstra Linen Shorts
NAIA Afterglow Dress
LALO CARDIGANS Alice Trench Coat

What is sustainable fashion good for?

That's easy to answer because sustainable fashion is good for so many reasons..

  1. Saves money: The acquisition costs are a little higher than with fast fashion products, but in the long run you save money with slow fashion. When we think about it, we get a timeless product that will last for years and maybe even generations without having to replace it every season.
  2. Better wages, better working conditions: when we buy an item of clothing, we never think of the story behind it. Who made the fabric. Who dyed it, sewed it and who marked the price and folded the garment so that it could be found on the shelves as it is. It takes more people and a longer path to make a plain white t-shirt than we think. When a garment is sustainable it means that the factories are safe and comfortable environments for the workers, the health of the workers is taken into account and their wages are fair.
  3. Fewer landfills of synthetic textiles: when we are done with an item of clothing, we throw it away and think: “They will dissolve in nature”. Contrary to this misunderstanding, textile waste adds up. Over time, the cheap synthetic material used to make them mixes into the oceans, and from there the clumps and microplastics are eaten up by marine life or sometimes even cause fish and birds to get caught and suffocate. Sustainable fashion promotes timeless (never out of trend) and durable garments that help us save the rest of our home planet.
  4. Reducing your own carbon footprint: Fast fashion products have so many negative effects on the environment. The substances used are mostly synthetic, the dyes are poisonous and are produced with excessive energy expenditure. Sustainable fashion encourages consumers to choose natural fabrics that are dyed with natural dyes, with less energy and water consumption. The transport of materials and products has now become another important element of the fashion industry. While cheap products are shipped back and forth around the world, large amounts of greenhouse gases are released into our atmosphere. Sustainable brands prefer to use local materials to prevent overuse of global trade. In addition, many sustainable brands recycle their previous collections or even recycle old fabrics.
  5. Clean water for tomorrow: dyeing and finishing processes for fast fashion clothing consume large amounts of water and poison it during the process. This toxic waste not only harms the animals, it also ends up harming us. Sustainable fashion brands specifically choose water-saving methods, organic dyes and organic fabrics. The garments produced during their process require less water and do not pollute nature because they do not release any harmful substances.

Overall, there are so many reasons for all of us to choose sustainable fashion over fast fashion. Be part of the green movement by favoring sustainable fashion products. Save our planet, save its people, save your money and save yourself by wearing sustainable clothing today.

Sustainable fashion for men

DAYS CULTURE All Day T-shirt
BAMIN BASICS Archive Hoodie
BAMIN BASICS Archive Hoodie Part 2
BAMIN BASICS Archive T-shirt
BAMIN BASICS Archive T-shirt
BAMIN BASICS Archive T-shirt Part 2
BAMIN BASICS Archive T-shirt Part 2
MAX MACCHINA Biker Leather Jacket Dave